Which is the best garage: Oak Frame, Brick or Block & Render?

Cheshire Oak Frame Garage
  • March 15, 2023

By now, you probably know that there are three main types of garage: oak frame, brick, and block & render. The purpose of this article is to help you decide which is the best garage for you.

Below is a detailed comparison of these three garage types, including the pros and cons of each. Below, you’ll also find the most comprehensive library of oak frame garages vs. brick garages vs. concrete block garage articles found anywhere.

Okay, let’s dive in. First, let’s look at the following comparison chart that outlines specific pros and cons for each type on a scale from one to five (5 is best):

Let’s discuss this chart for a moment. As you can see, oak framed garages have some substantial advantages over brick and concrete, but there are some disadvantages as well.

Oak Frame Garage Advantages

Foundation Requirements

Why do oak frame garages require less footings? It all has to do with the weight of the finished structure.

A Typical oak framed garage weighs less than half that of a brick built garage or a concrete block garage, because of this – many customers only need to dig a minimal amount and concrete up.

This is not only a time and money saving, but it also means there is less waste to get rid of – all part of the oak frame sustainability credentials.

Bigger footings also means bigger machinery – this in turn can damage existing driveways etc .

For these reasons, Oak Frame garage owners spend 75% less time and money and digging, removal and concrete. 

Ease of Self Assembly

I’m not going to pretend that building an oak frame garage is like knocking together a garden shed you’re building a structure that could last in excess of 200 years, that said, We have made this as easy as possible, Every length of timber in your garage kit is tagged or stamped with a number – this number correlates to the structural drawing provided.

For more information on how install to your oak frame – Request our overview guide here.

Your Premier Heritage Oak garage kit is manufactured in a factory using state-of-art cutting machinery – this ensures that your garage kit arrives with all the joints precut to 0.1mm accuracy. The beams, trusses and all other sections of timber fit together as accurately as a computer can offer.


When properly constructed and maintained, oak frame garages can last for decades or even centuries. They are able to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as high winds and heavy snow, and are resistant to moisture and rot, making them ideal for use in damp environments.

However, it is important to note that the durability of an oak frame garage will depend on various factors, including the quality of the oak used, the construction techniques used, and the level of maintenance the garage receives over time.

By choosing a Premier Heritage Oak garage, you are choosing a kit which has been manufactured on a computer controlled machine with highly accurate mortice joints and ties etc. This ensures that the build quality combined with the specially selected FSC/PEFC certified oak, will be of the best possible quality.

Speed of Installation

Because the oak frame is manufactured off site on a CNC machine, the installation of the frame typically occurs in one to two days.

Compare this with 2-3 weeks with a brick built garage or concrete block and render, and we’re talking about a huge difference in the duration of time your drive/garden is in disarray…and often the difference between usability in weeks or months..


Because Oak Frame Garages develop their own natural silvery patina, there’s no need to concern yourself damage from snow, wind and of course the sun.

Waterproof renders on block built garages are not cheap…often upwards of £4–5k to replace (and they do have to be replaced – you cannot easily patch a coloured render). This can happen from natural movement of the ground, water ingress from cracks soon become big chunks of flaky render.

Render can crack with movement

Oak Framed garages are extremely strong and durable, so there’s no need to be concerned about damaging the garage during daily use.


At Premier Heritage Oak, we pride ourselves in only using timber that is certified as FSC or PEFC and comes from responsibly sourced material.

Some people feel the best way to prevent deforestation is to stop using forest products. In reality, people use forest products every day. For example, the average American uses nearly six trees worth of paper each year.

So FSC harnesses market demand to ensure forests are responsibly managed. Because FSC is the gold standard in forest certification, it is the only system supported by groups such as WWF, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council and National Wildlife Federation. (fsc.org)

When it comes to sustainability and the impact on the environment, oak is a much more sustainable choice than brick or block. As an abundant renewable resource, oak frames help reduce the need for deforestation that can have devastating effects on biodiversity and ecosystems.

An oak tree absorbs approximately 25Kg of carbon every year, This carbon remains locked into the structure of the timber after has been process

Furthermore, producing timber does not require digging into virgin land which helps preserve soil fertility in these areas making it easier for new plants and trees to grow again after being cut down or harvested.

By contrast, the production of bricks requires the extractions of large quantities of clay from virgin soils, this has adverse impacts on the nearby plant and animal life, and can disrupt the fragile ecological equilibrium between the different species residing in these habitats, resulting in a loss of overall habitats. Additionally, as many manufacturers utilize coal or oil as fossil fuels in the firing process, they release significant quantities of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating the global warming problem. Therefore, opting for natural resources such as timber can play a vital role in reducing the climate change issues that we currently face.

Resale Value

If a garage comes with the property, home buyers want something that looks good, needs little maintenance, and will last a long time.

Rendered garages may need re-rendering every 5–9 years, and sometimes a buyer will require the current owners to repair that themselves.

By contrast, an oak framed garage adds to the value of your home. Low-maintenance beauty and durability are a win-win for both parties.

Although it won’t recoup the original cost of the garage itself, it does help…and the greatest value is the sense of prestige that comes with owning an oak framed garage

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